Framed Works (recent)

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I used to frame a lot. Pastels, digital, and photography seemed to require it. Plain black, silver, or gold gallery style frames. Latter, in my multimedia work, I was able to build the frame into the piece. That said, I recently decided that I needed to frame in order to better finish some pieces and avoid seeing them misframed in the future.

I remembered a framer from the Ray at Night days and looked them up. Still there! First we worked on artcards, then a DarkSpace train series and finally Patric’s first picks for the Liberated Forms show. I was so lucky. In the end, I saw that I was involved in a collaboration with a very talented artist and craftsperson, Michelle Robinson (Ray Street Custom Framing), to absolutely finish the pieces.

The frames are now part of the work, making the pieces more than what they were before. This has forced a change in my thinking about pricing. I was always looking to keep the price down to increase the possibility of a sale. An approach that did not work for me and turned my shows into mostly advertising and/or public service exercises. I have come to believe in patron support, a side job, and accurate pricing. I am still working on getting good pictures of the work in frames but this should give you an idea of what Michelle has been doing. In the end, I did the center part, she figured out the transition periphery.

My standard pricing on hangable but unframed works is $1,795.oo. Miniatures are $75.00 in a display/storage case. Works framed by Michelle are priced individually and shown below.